1: Do NOT spam about any other course, or actually anything not related to our course.
2: HOW TO FIND THE LESSONS: Below is a video explaining about the membership area and where to find the videos.
3: If you have trouble playing the videos, then try with another browser, maybe firefox, chrome, brave, or which ever works for you.
4: DURING THE LESSON: TAKE NOTES, REPEAT ALONG WITH THE TEACHER. Taking Notes is like a homework. You keep adding a list of all the new words/nouns at the end of notebook, all the verbs in another page, maybe in the middle of the notebook and the grammar in the start of the notebook. That way when new lessons and grammar comes along, you can easily find the list of words to play with and include the words from the lists in the new sentences you've learned to practice.
5: INSIDE THE CHATROOM: Write which lesson you've finished and what you learned in your latest lesson, use voice messages. Someone might reply or not, it's ok, this is for you to get practice. The teacher might see your message and correct your sentence
6: Write which lesson you've finished and what you learned.
7: Feel free to send a voice message as well, the teacher might be online at that moment and correct your pronunciation.
8: ONLY SPANISH or ENGLISH in the Chatroom
2020 The New Spanish Academy. All Rights Reserved.